Help! I'm a Skincare Newbie!


The feeling when you’re applying your skincare is like a mini zen moment. The kind of calm that comes over you is unparalleled. Okay,  maybe this is a bit of a stretch but what we mean is that doing your skincare routine is very calming. 

So if you’re new to the whole skincare game and want to feel the kind of calm we’re talking about, do not fret. We have got you covered. 

Regardless of your skin type, the most basic skincare routine should include

  1. Cleanser: To remove the excess oil, dirt, makeup etc. Find a cleanser that works for you. It should make you feel clean but not stripped!
  2. Moisturiser :Oily skin needs moisturiser too! But if you have oily skin, try and find gel-based moisturisers as they do not leave you looking like a greaseball. (Also! They’re very cooling.) If you have dry skin, try using a thicker cream that feels rich and luxurious. If you have combination skin, try something that falls in the middle - a gel-cream of sorts.
  3. SunscreenAdd SPF in your daily morning skincare routine regardless of if you’re out in the sun or not! Your future self will thank you, trust us

These three compromise the essentials - so work around this as a basic template and add actives/serums/exfoliators accordingly. (Sounds like jargon? Stay tuned for our advanced skincare guide!)

If you have specific concerns such as acne, sensitive skin, hyper pigmentation etc it is safest to consult the dermatologist rather than experiment all on your own as this may not always go as planned and leave your skin worse than it was. 

That’s about it from us this time.  

Stay Curious. Stay Freequal. 


Written by: Shalini

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